
Lee Herge

P&L management expert and COO with a high-risk tolerance and ~10 years of executive experience guiding business strategy development and producing total career revenue of $635M backed by $80M in total savings.

Brings a foundation of operational risk management balanced with caution, and deep expertise in strategic planning that has produced revenue growth of up to 100%. Makes decisions within a Lean Six Sigma framework and deliberately shaped corporate strategy in a way that positively impacted financial management, business management, inventory management, sales management, P&L management, and overall production in technology / manufacturing environments.

Areas of Expertise:

Organization Design  • Operations Management  • Continuous Improvement  • Performance Management  •  Supply Chain Management  • Manufacturing  • Purchasing • Forecasting & Production Planning • Logistics • Warehousing

Kim Gilchrist

A strategic, visionary executive with an entrepreneurial approach to differentiating clients by incorporating digital marketing methods and traditional advertising experience when building comprehensive branding campaigns aligned with corporate goals. Consistently return higher-than-average results through targeted digital marketing efforts for audience needs in both the B2C and B2B environments.

Areas of Expertise:

Branding Strategies • Marketing Planning • Digital Marketing • Project Management • GS1 Asset Development and Management • Web Site Management • Online Couponing • Email Marketing • Online Promotions 


Jean Paul Capin Gally

Chief Financial Officer

I believe Lee is driven by a desire to manufacture – the process and challenges more than the end product itself. This drive, coupled with extensive experience, truly makes him an incredibly unique individual and COO..

Jennifer Goettemoeller
Director of Corporate Procurement

Lee & I were part of a team asked to help with the implementation of a new ERP system project which was overbudget & overdue. Lee consistently has a no-nonsense approach to problem solving & getting the job done. He is task oriented, focuses on managing change, & getting the results needed to bring projects back on target. He is also a great team player with an approachable disposition & those traits always yield quicker solutions.

Lisa (Hedenberg) Nichols
Human Capital Manager

Kim knows how to think strategically about a client’s business, and is also able to successfully implement the details of an execution. She is adept at how to best partner with a client to reach business goals, as well as how to grow a brand over the long term. Her energies are always focused on providing the best solution for any given challenge.